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Weather Services

Using big data streams to reinvent weather forecasting. 

The Meteologix AG contributes to Cross-CPP by inventing a series of prototype services that demonstrate how the safe and easy access to big data streams can help service providers enhance their current services and open up new markets by inventing innovative products that have not been possible before.

Always one step ahead of the weather.
Driving weather stations, city weather models and virtual radars.

Weather is important for all of us:  For our  work, transportation, our activity and leisure time plans - even for our mood. Accurate and reliable weather forecasts are thus a basic need for many companies and industries like Energy providers, logistics and even retail.

Find our final service descriptions and a summary of the results in our latest blog post.

Meteologix AG Demonstrator Video
Prototype Services

The UltraHD "City-Scale" Weather Model.

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100x100m weather forecasting system

A LES large-eddy atmospheric flow model that will enhance data ingestion of vehicles, buildings or other "foreign" sensors in order to more easily use CPP data streams. 

It will be especially useful for weather and air quality forecasts for cities and urban regions as the fine-grained resolution allows to project underlying land use data. 

The Smart Building Forecast

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Individually Tailored Weather Forecasts that "learn"

Receive high quality and most reliable weather forecast for a certain building that „knows“ on-site specifics and corrects for them. It requires the presence of an on-site weather station, in order to train the weather model with the local weather characteristics. This type of weather forecasting is especially beneficial for customers that require very accurate forecasts, so they can use it for their building automation system (e.g. window blinds, energy efficiency).

The Virtual Radar

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Enrich weather data worldwide with the use of vehicle data

The virtual radar is a program and mapping routine that creates a live precipitation map out of real-time CPP precipitation measurement data. It needs calibration and a smart set of algorithms to project a realistic pattern of rain intensity out of the observed ground data from foreign sensors like vehicle rain intensity data or wiper data.

The Live Storm-Cell and Moving Vehicle Intersection


Stay safe by integrating weather into navigational services

This product is developed as part of the weather-based navigation service together with VW. Meteologix develops a technique to intersect moving weather phenomena (radar images, live analysis), especially the track of storm cells and intersects them with a trajectory of a vehicle. This tool will allow improved live weather-based warnings of ongoing severe weather for a moving customer.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programm under grant agreement No. 780167. This website reflects the views only of the Consortium, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.

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