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No more encounters with unexpected snow-storms:

Autorenbild: Cross-CPP TeamCross-CPP Team

The Cross-CPP project paves the way for innovative applications and services.

Cleverly combined:

The future of mobility is our biggest passion. We are determined to make come alive for you and – more importantly – usable! The Cross-CPP project will make numerous new applications and services conceivable!

For example, could you imagine that your vehicle contributes to predicting the weather for others? When you are on the road with your Volkswagen, your vehicle provides various information: You are informed about outside temperature and a rain sensor detects the intensity of rainfall so that your wipers adapt accordingly. Even the electronic stabilization program (ESP) might the activated automatically. This kind of information sure come in handy for you personally, but they are even more useful when combined with other vehicle data!

In doing so, applications can create weather reports for your planned route ahead. And in case transmitted data of others indicates weather risk, the system can suggest alternatives to your prior planned route. A real milestone in autonomous driving!

Sounds convenient? Applications that result from the EU-funded Cross-CPP project could look quite similar: The project links data of various industry representatives. Besides Volkswagen, companies like Siemens participate in the funded project, providing information that exemplarily circles around the automatization of buildings or charging infrastructure.

The graphic above illustrates the corresponding process:

  1. Product manufacturers and additional partners generate and transmit data.

  2. Data is harmonized into CPP-Format.

  3. Data is saved and at disposal on a Cloud.

  4. Depending on the desired service, data is made accessible and usable.

  5. That way new applications and services develop, benefiting all of us.

The usage of data through different cooperation partners and the standardized format of data offer many possibilities within the range from “helpful” to “entertaining”. Locating charging infrastructure for electric vehicles and notifications for rest charging times are only a few examples for further possible applications.

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