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The Open Group


The Open Group (X/Open Company) is a worldwide industry organisation with headquarters in the United Kingdom, which has more than 400 members representing all the largest system and software vendors, and many end user organisations, including world leaders in manufacturing, finance, defence, health care, util- ities, commerce and telecommunications. The Open Group provides a vendor-neutral forum for buyers and suppliers of technology to agree on technology evolution and interoperability.

The Open Group vision of Boundaryless Information FlowTM is to enable access to integrated information, within and among enter- prises, based on open standards and global interoperability. Its Research Institute conducts advanced tech- nology development for real-time systems used in production control environments, distributed systems, advanced methods for enterprise architecture and information security. The Open Group owns and licenses to industry the UNIX trademark and provides conformance and certification programmes for other consor- tia including WAP conformance, OMG Corba object request broker conformance, Realtime OS conform- ance and several others, some of which are under R&D contracts with industry leaders or national govern- ments.

The Open Group hosts multiple Forums addressing key technology areas and standards including the Enterprise Architecture Forum, Open Platform 3.0 Forum, the Real-time and Embedded Systems Forum, and the Process Automation Forum for extending PLM standards, which are all related to the project. Forum members include leading system software and tools suppliers from both Europe and the USA as well as many multinational end user organisations from the manufacturing sector. The Open Group collaborates with many other standards organisations around the world by providing support for certification pro- grammes, hosting of consortia, shared memberships, and joint standardisation initiatives. The Open Group with a large base of industrial members will lead the exploitation planning and will support widespread dissemination both through its quarterly events as well as by coordination of standardisation actions in support of the new project technologies.


Leader of “Context Sensitive privacy, Security and Ethics Rules” and of “Security and IPR Rules”, as well as of “Standardisation”. Responsible for the elaboration of Security and IPR rules.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programm under grant agreement No. 780167. This website reflects the views only of the Consortium, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.

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